
The Key to Re-Potting

Repotting a plant is a fundamental gardening skill that is important to master. In principle, repotting your plant is rather simple, but it might be a little challenging with some larger or pot-bound plants. If you don’t do it right, you might stop your plant from growing or even kill a healthy plant. Keep reading on as we explain when you should repot your plant and how to do it without causing irreversible damage.

When should a plant be repotted?

Most plants should typically be repotted every 12 to 18 months. Some fast-growing plants, like the snake plant and the syngonium plant, may require more frequent potting, though.

Additional signs that your plant needs to be potted up include the following:

  • Your plant is too big for the pot: – it’s time to repot if your houseplant seems like it might topple over, is hidden by foliage, or just looks out of proportion.
  • Overgrown roots: Your plant has to be repotted if its roots are protruding from the sides, the top, or the bottom of the drainage hole in its pot.
  • Yellow leaves: While the yellowing of leaves might indicate a number of different problems, like overwatering and excessive light, it can also mean that the plant needs to be replanted.

Spring is usually the ideal season to repot your plant. It is advised to avoid planting certain plants during the time right before they flower because they can be particularly sensitive. Make sure you thoroughly research the type of plant you’re working with before you repot it. Some plants may need special care, a particular kind of repotting, or just a little additional attention while it’s happening. Make sure you read up on the best techniques for replanting the particular plant you are working with before you re-pot it.

How can a plant be repotted without dying?

Plants can experience stress while repotting, so you must be sure you know what you’re doing. The last thing you want when repotting is to accidently kill your plant.  Follow the helpful step-by-step instructions below!

  • Step 1: Select the new pot

Selecting the pot for your plant to be moved into is the first step. To give your plant enough room to expand, you should probably choose a pot that is bigger than the one it is now in. Select a pot that is one or two sizes larger than the current pot, but be careful not to select one that is too large for your plant as this could lead to problems like root rot. Given that most species of plants want to have proper drainage, we advise purchasing a pot with drainage holes. Put a saucer underneath your indoor plant to collect any extra water and prevent harm to the furniture or flooring.

  • 2. Prepare the plant’s new home

Make sure the new pot is ready to serve as a nice home before you start the plant relocation. When repotting, the soil can be refreshed and new nutrients added using compost and fertiliser. For optimum results, do some research on the type of soil mixture that the plant you are repotting requires. You might wish to add some of the old soil to the new container since some plants can experience “transplant shock.” Leave space in the pot after placing the dirt for the plant and more soil to be added on top. In order to prepare the soil for the new plant, you dig a tiny hole there.

  • Step 3: Carefully take out the plant

It’s time to transfer your plant from its current container to its new one. If your plant is housed in a plastic container, you might want to gently squeeze the outside to break up the soil and make it easier for the plant to emerge. If not, you should tip the plant slightly, hold its stem, and carefully remove it from the pot. To prevent separating the plant from its roots, it’s crucial that you handle the stem with extreme caution. When transferring the stem to its new location, keep it as close to the roots as you can and support them. Consider bringing a friend for a little more help if the plant is a little too big. After removing the plant from its old container, gently separate its roots before putting it in the new one.

  • Step 4: Repot the plant

Fill the empty area in the new pot with the plant. If necessary, add some more soil on top to ensure that the roots are completely covered and the plant is properly supported after patting the soil around it to anchor the roots. After being repotted, give the plant a thorough watering and set it in a suitable location.

After repotting your plant, watch it carefully for the following several days. Your plant should be growing and flourishing as usual if the repotting was done correctly. Yellowing leaves and a dying plant are common indicators that the repotting was unsuccessful. Verify that your plant is being placed in the same temperature and lighting, and that it has appropriate drainage.

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